Happy Spring to our members and supporters! Things are heating up in Downeast Maine- so mark your calendar, prepare your tackle.Please share this newsletter with other conservationists and anglers.
Downeast Trout Unlimited (DETU) chapter 305 is dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring Maine's cold water fisheries and their watersheds. To join DETU go to www.tu.org/join305Downeast To renew call 800-834-2419. Donations may be mailed to Downeast Trout Unlimited, c/o Dana Hunter, Treasurer; 9 Lobster Pool Road Little Deer Isle, ME 04650. For more information contact Tammy Packie, tpackiegmail.com (tpackie[at]gmail[dot]com) 207-
Fundraiser: At this time we have just over 100 tickets remaining in the raffle for a Limited Edition LL Bean 2014 Collectors Knife numbered #290 out of 300. A Boker 3” locking clip point blade with staghorn handle, sheath and wooden display box. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Drawing will take place when all 250 tickets are sold or at our Annual Meeting April 17. Knife donated by DETU President Rob Packie, with an original value of $250 we have been told it is worth much more. Tickets are available by contacting Rob Packie rbpackiegmail.com (rbpackie[at]gmail[dot]com) or George Marnik at george.marnik
maine.edu (george[dot]marnik[at]maine[dot]edu)
Rising Trout Award This award recognizes an individual or organization that has made outstanding contributions to fulfilling DETU’s mission to conserve, protect, and restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. We had many outstanding nominees this year; the recipients for the first award were Rob and Tammy Packie. The board will vote at the February board meeting and the award will be given at the 2024 Annual Meeting April 17.
Reel Craft Pass Fun and Fundraising for DETU! We are excited to announce that Reel Craft Pass will donate a portion of the proceeds from their 2024 Edition of the Maine Reel Craft Pass to Downeast Trout Unlimited. This brewery booklet promotes craft beer and flyfishing, allowing you to receive 50% off 1 beer at over 50 participating locations in Maine in 2024. Cost $20. Available at member meetings, www.reelcraftpass.com or The Reel Craft Pass on Facebook.
Trout Camp June 23-27 at Evergreen Camps in Solon Application Deadline April 1:
Two students ages 13-17 are eligible for this unique learning experience at Evergreens Campground in Solon on the Kennebec River. Cost for tuition, room & board is $800 per student. Financial sponsorship may be available. Please contact DETU Education Coordinator Mike Elkavitch melkavitchgmail.com (melkavitch[at]gmail[dot]com) for more information. Trout Camp Volunteers Needed: If you are able to help contact Camp Coordinator Robb Cotiaux rcotiaux
gmail.com (rcotiaux[at]gmail[dot]com) ASAP to complete the screening process.
Maine State Council is seeking donations for a $150,000 legal defense fund to hire lawyers to help Maine TU deal with Brookfield in the FERC dam relicensing process for the Ripogenus, Rumford falls and Aziscohos Hydro Projects Legal action may be necessary to protect the fisheries. Please contact Steve Heinz, heinzmaine.rr.com (heinz[at]maine[dot]rr[dot]com) for more information. To donate please use this link - Maine TU Legal Defense Fund
Priority Waters: TU’s Priority Waters is a science based program developed in collaboration with volunteers, agencies and other partners as a blueprint to care for and recover America's wild and native trout and salmon watersheds. TU is not only improving rivers and streams, but also creating healthy fisheries, promoting clean water, building climate resiliency, creating jobs, and leveraging public and private dollars to work in our local communities and on our home waters. Maine is home to the healthiest strongholds of native Eastern brook trout, as well as populations of landlocked Atlantic salmon, Arctic char, and the last of America’s sea-run Atlantic salmon. Downeast Maine has two priority watersheds connected to the Union and Narraguagus rivers. DETU is working to protect trout populations, reconnect coastal streams, and support the unique sea-run brook trout. Explore the map to find Priority Waters near you. Watch the new TU short film, “A Beautiful Mess.”to see the value these priority projects have for riparian habitat. Downeast Trout Unlimited partnered with Project SHARE last year and will join a crew again this year to strategically add woody habitat to replicate the natural habitat that existed before the era of industrial timber harvesting on the Narragugus river. This project and others are funded by TU and the Forest Service, with funding provided in part through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law which helped foster a $40 million, 5-year funding agreement to improve the health of ecosystems in Priority Waters watersheds across the country and here in Maine.
Storm Damage Assistance The Island Institute has put together resources available to assist with storm recovery, and you can review a complete list and a recording of a webinar on recovery resources at this link. The Mills Administration new online resource www.maine.gov/governor/mills/
Grants Available to help build Climate Resiliency Building resiliency to extreme storms and other climate-related impacts is a growing priority for Maine communities. The state’s Community Resilience Partnership helps 174 Maine cities, towns, and Tribal governments plan for climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and increase resilience. New communities are welcome to enroll at any time and apply for a Community Action Grant. The current round of grants are due March 29, 2024 – open to enrolled communities that have not yet received a Community Action Grant award. Additionally, MaineDOT has open grant opportunities to help communities become more resilient to extreme storms and flooding.
MaineDOT Infrastructure Adaptation Fund
MaineDOT Municipal Stream Crossing Program
The membership link below is only for new members. The Individual rate is $17.50, half price. DETU will receive $15 for recruitment. Downeast Trout Unlimited (DETU) is dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring Maine's cold water fisheries and their watersheds. To join go to www.tu.org/join305Downeast To renew call 800-834-2419. Donations may be mailed to Downeast Trout Unlimited, c/o Dana Hunter, Treasurer; 9 Lobster Pool Road Little Deer Isle ME 04650. For more information visit https://www.downeasttu.org/, Downeast TU on Facebook or contact Tammy Packie tpackiegmail.com (tpackie[at]gmail[dot]com).
As mentioned last month Brian Stranko is the new Maine TU Program Manager:
Maine TU Partnerships: The Maine State Council, DETU and the Georges River chapters, as well as 4 TU chapters from Massachusetts have pledged funds to Downeast Salmon Federation to purchase electrofishing equipment. So far $7000 of the $14,000 needed has been raised. This equipment will expand PITT tagging research on sea-run brook trout. DETU members will be asked to help next spring.
Fundraising Raffle: Limited Edition LL Bean 2014 Collectors Knife (#290/300) Boker 3” locking clip point blade with staghorn handle, with Sheath and Wooden Display Box. Only 250 tickets will be sold $5 each or 5 for $20. Drawing will take place when all tickets are sold. Tickets are available from DETU board members or at the monthly meetings.
Rising Trout Award Nominations are now being accepted for 2024. This award recognizes an individual or organization that through their commitment and dedication has made outstanding contributions to fulfilling the Downeast Trout Unlimited mission to conserve, protect, and restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. The board will accept nominations through December from any DETU member for next year's award. The board will choose the recipient in January and the award will be given at the 2024 Annual Meeting in April.
Trout Camp June 23-28 2024 Evergreen Campground in Solon, Maine. Cost is $800 again this year. Applications can be found on the TU Council website and are due by April 15. We need to replace several volunteers, contact Robb Cottiaux if you can help r.cotiauxgmail.com (r[dot]cotiaux[at]gmail[dot]com) There is an application and a TU safety check for volunteers. Donations of flies are also needed. TU National gave Trout Camp new 6 and 8 weight outfits from Far Bank and that’s very much appreciated. Cody Leighton, DETU attendee at the 2023 Maine Trout Camp, will share his experiences at November’s meeting. We thank the Pleasant River Fish and Game Club for sponsoring his full tuition. Contact DETU Education Coordinator Mike Elkavitch for more information at melkavitch
gmail.com (melkavitch[at]gmail[dot]com).
Spring Fishing - Time for great opportunities for brown trout, lake trout, and landlocked salmon. Check the Fishing Report form IF and W here - Fishing Report .
Downeast Trout Unlimited (DETU) is dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring Maine's cold water fisheries and their watersheds. Call 800-834-2419 to renew or go to tu.org/intro to join and use chapter code 305 for Downeast Trout Unlimited. Donations may be mailed to Downeast Trout Unlimited, c/o Dana Hunter, Treasurer; 9 Lobster Pool Road Little Deer Isle, ME 04650. For more information contact Tammy Packie, tpackiegmail.com (tpackie[at]gmail[dot]com) 207-